Tuesday 16 May 2017

Considerations of Export to Nigeria

A land of opportunities with difficult circumstances

Nigerian Papulation

Nigeria is the largest economy of Africa. It is the biggest oil producing country with the largest population in this region. This land is very rich in its natural resources which include coal, led, zinc, iron, tin, ore, niobium, bauxite and at the top oil and gas. As an owner of such valuables Nigeria can become one of the leading countries for having a trade relationship internationally, but the problem arises due to lack of internal stability. There are major problems that stop this country to prosper further and become a leading trading power. These problems demand a consideration when doing business in the region so that tactics can be planned to tackle any problem that comes in the way. A star cargo is providing the best services related to cargo in Nigeria.
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Relation of Britain and Nigeria:

Britain relation with Nigeria

Nigeria and UK share very good trade relationships, there are many British companies including of UK doing successful business in the region with overcoming some difficulties. But once you are in the country and develop ties, the business becomes easy and according to will. Some very strong factors make the place very feasible for doing business. One is the same legal and business practices both UK and Nigeria share that makes the work easier due to knowing the same procedures. Another is the commonness in culture and language. Then there are business incentives such as free trade zones and tax holidays, which counts a lot in the promotion of local and international trading. Also the time zone is almost the same with one hour difference in winters. All these aspects make the deal a very profitable one and attract the investor in the country.

Nigerian poverty

With all these positive sides, one will wonder that what in the heaven will be wrong with the land that has such positive atmosphere for business. But there are challenges present with which one has to be aware of to avoid any future difficulty. One is the poor power supply throughout the country; there is no region devoid of this problem, you have to be loaded with power generating machinery to overcome this problem. To make things worse there is no infrastructure present of any sector that makes a proper system for regulating resources. There are security issues present which make the situation more difficult and the government becomes slanting when it comes to award a contract or paying. The paying process is slow due to lack of dollar reservoirs. Other problems include high level of corruption, poverty and unemployment, and training.

What UK exports to Nigeria?
Cargo Services

Other than oil sector other sectors are in serious conditions as Nigeria depends highly for its economy on oil trade. The export UK deals in Nigeria is also dependent on the needs of the country as a whole. The economy faces a downfall if the oil prices in the international market falls and the country sees a decline in its profits which make the situation complex. We are offering air cargo, sea cargo and door to door cargo services at low prices and high protection.
The goods that UK exports to Nigeria include:
Petroleum, its products and related materials
Power generating machinery and equipment
Transport equipment
Road vehicles
General industrial machinery, equipment and office machines
Essential oil and perfume materials and toiletry
Medicine related products
Textile thread and fabrics
Vegetables and fruits

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